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Internet Call Manager (ICM) is the cost-effective solution to the problem of missed calls while your phone line is busy because you're on the Internet. It is ideal for anyone who want s the freedom to be on-line. You can comfortably do everything you do on the Internet worry-free while ICM monitors your telephone line. ICM can even transfer your calls to any number in the United States or Canada, fast and easy.  
Internet Call Waiting with Caller ID, Voice Mail and much more.

Internet Call Manager (ICM) is the cost-effective solution to the problem of missed calls while your phone line is busy because you're on the Internet. It is ideal for anyone who want s the freedom to be on-line. You can comfortably do everything you do on the Internet worry-free while ICM monitors your telephone line.  ICM can even transfer your calls to any number in the United States or Canada, fast and easy.

ICM is the simplest way to get and answer calls while you're on-line. ICM links your phone with the Internet so you are notified of calls while you surf, with built-in Caller ID and a variety of handling options. See a demonstration
or start your free trial now.

ICM 2000 Deluxe even handles your calls when you're not on the Internet. It includes all the features of ICM 2000, plus a full-time voice mail system for your on-line and off-line messaging needs.

When someone calls you while you're on the Internet, the call is forwarded to an ICM server. The ICM server collects the caller's information and sends it across the Internet to your computer screen. A pop-up window shows you information about the caller, and allows you to choose one of the following options:

  • Play Message - Click this option and you'll have the choice of playing your caller one of a variety of messages. You can customize these yourself!
  • Voice Mail - Send callers to your voice mailbox and access
    messages from your personal Web voice mail page. With ICM 2000 Deluxe, you can also access these messages by phone.
  • Answer - You will be disconnected from the Internet, and the call will be sent to you through your phone line.
  • Transfer - Transfer the call to another number, like a cell phone, and continue surfing.
  • Ignore - Your caller will hear ringing and you can continue your Internet session in privacy.
  • Open Door - "Buzz" in visitors who call you from the lobby of your apartment building.

InfoInterActive's flagship product, Internet Call Manager (ICM), won Internet Telephony magazine's "Product of the Year" award in 2001.

This prestigious award by one of the most established Internet Telephony industry publications honors innovative products and services that have made a positive impact on the convergence of voice and data. Heralded as one of the most feature-rich, cost-effective Internet call management products in the marketplace, Internet Call Manager captured the Internet Call Waiting category.

No Special Hardware

With ICM, you set it up once and that's it. There's no special hardware to buy, and you don't need to subscribe to Caller ID or Call Waiting service from your telephone company. Works with any Internet Service Provider, including AOL.

Download Internet Call Manager now!  


2000 Call Waiting for the Internet ($5.95/month)
  • Visual Caller ID with the name, number and location of your caller
  • "Real-time" call control using customized greetings, privacy ringing or voice mail
  • Caller Log for managing calls - review who phoned, when, and how they were handled
  • Advanced automatic call-handling settings and nickname aliases for frequent callers
  • Web-based retrieval of message left while online - access them without disconnecting!
  • Voice Mail message forwarding that includes a personalized e-mail introduction
  • Additional call-handling control through optional "Answer & Transfer" talk-time packages
ICM 2000 Deluxe Additional Offline Message Control ($7.95/month)
  • All of the features of ICM 2000 and more...
  • Captures messages when your phone line is either busy or unanswered
  • Stores voice mail messages for 30 days, rather than one week
  • Allows retrieval of all messages by phone through a toll-free number or over the Web
  • Notifies you of new messages through online bulletins while you surf
  • Alerts you of new messages, wherever you are, via e-mail notification on your mobile device.

How does the cost of ICM compare to other busy line solutions?

Busy Phone Line Solution Monthly Cost Additional Hardware Required Installation Cost Activation Time Contract Required
Internet Call Manager $5.95 per month + $0.75 to $3.50/mo. for Call Forward Busy service.
Cost varies by telephone company.
None None. In some cases there may be a small set up fee charged by the local telephone company for the Call Forward Busy feature. 5 days for Call Forward Busy activation by your telephone company NO
Cable Modem Service $40 to $50 depending on provider Cable Modem and Ethernet card. Modem rental approximately $10.00 per month $50 to $150 depending on provider Up to 10 days YES In most cases
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) $40 to $150 depending on provider DSL Modem
Modem may not be included in monthly cost
Usually included in monthly charge Up to 10 days YES In most cases
2nd Telephone Line $15 to $140 Installation of additional phone jacks may cost extra $50 to $60 1 to 2 weeks NO


minimum system requirements

  • An IBM compatible computer, with a 486 processor or better
  • Windows95, Windows98, Windows 2000, Windows Me, Windows NT4 (SP 3 or greater), or Windows XP
  • An Internet connection of at least 14.4 kbps. ICM works with all standard Internet Service Providers, including AOL 4.0, 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0.
  • You must have the ICM software installed on your computer
  • Your calls must reach our server when you're on the Internet. This is accomplished through a call forwarding service, which we will help you arrange.
  • A Macintosh with a PowerPC processor
  • Apple OS 8.6, 9.0.4, 9.1 or 9.2
  • An Internet connection of at least 14.4 kbps. ICM works with all standard Internet Service Providers, including AOL 4.0
  • You must have the ICM software installed on your computer
  • Your calls must reach our server when you're on the Internet. This is accomplished either through a call forwarding service, which we will help you arrange.


"Thank you very much... It has been a God sent gift to me being able to answer my calls even when I am on the Internet. It has been dependable and accurate. Thank you againa."

"ICM was easy to get, it's easy to use and starts at $5.95 per month."

"... I have had my Internet Call Manager for 1 year and believe it to be the most important software I have ever used while on the Internet. I wouldn't be able to live without it!!"

I decided to jump onboard with the ICM free trial offer just to see how it worked. Well yesterday while surfing the net I received the call of a lifetime while I was on the Internet. The David Letterman show called to tell me the tickets I requested were finally available and I had that one chance to answer my phone to get them. So basically without ICM there is no way I would be going to see The Late Show on Monday and I cannot wait. What a great service!

- Eric Sirkin from Maine

Before getting ICM, I never knew the important calls I might be missing. One day my sister was in a car accident. Being quite shaken by it, she tried calling me. I was on the Internet at the time but fortunately I had ICM. She was able to leave me a message as to where she was and her condition. I was able to join her at the scene and the relief in her face said it all.

- Victor Roberts from Ontario

Download Internet Call Manager now!